Schritte (“Footsteps”)
“Mankind’s essential subjects have always remained the same, the only thing that has changed is the cruising radius which meanwhile has reached global effects and has assumed high tech forms of expression as well as a rapid, inhuman speed. If the journey is the reward, and moving oneself, taking steps is „evolution“ – the game of entanglement and development is grown (up) – it seems rather grotesque when people race through the world standing on 2 wheels or when computer-controlled machines identify individuals and liquidate them.
Everything leaves a material, immaterial or energetic mark. The appearance of human beings or places is often the result of events and experiences of war, which often happened generations earlier, but are discharging and resurfacing now …. Entire landscapes have been formed by battles, their traces found when the field is ploughed, when a tree is cut open, in the topography of places and landscapes… Facial features, postures, the sound of a voice, even laws and traditions are like a fingerprint of lived and experienced life.
I am searching for traces, pragmatically following the traces of creatures showing their paths, but also revealing much more than a direction of movement or a species to anybody prepared to read them intently and taking his time. I retrace the stories of traces, I am a storyteller and footsteps are my words.
With my eyes on the traces, my inner ear and thoughts following those who left them, I share their journeys, experiences, feelings, spaces.
Until now, the traces of people are more than ever of a destroying nature, but maybe you will learn to read (your own) traces better?“
About Sebastian David
Artistic career/CV
– born 1974 in Luckenwalde (GDR)
– advanced training course Fh Berlin/Weißensee (university of applied sciences)
– basic training in ceramic, plastic and graphic techniques, as well as technique of textile design/processing in his parents‘ artist workshop and at various plein airs
– formation in classic violin, large scale of instruments, autodidactic
– formation as carpenter, studies of applied art with focus on wood processing FH Schneeberg (graduated in 2001 as Dipl. Designer)
– since 2001 working freelance at “Atelier für Form und Ton Art” (studio for shape and sound art)
– various exhibitions, scholarships, awards.
Spheres of work:
– sculptures, sound sculptures, object/place/space design and land art, e.g. in Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, India
– action art, performances, various music and theatre projects
– ritual art, transforming art, cross-genre artistic work
– intensive studies of nature/relationships (biological/artistic).