SCHLACHTEN | With Sails of Straw | Image © Anna Gimein

With Sails of Straw

With Sails of Straw is a metaphor for the travels of displaced people, at any time and anyplace in the world. And yet, the absurd fragility of such an object is not a great exaggeration if we follow current events, which bring us frequent news of people arriving to the shores of Europe with scarcely more reliable means.

A sail of straw is also an object nearly impossible to make. But the idea of it floating, as though billowing with the wind, in the exhibition space in the interior of the Luckenwalde hat factory designed by Erich Mendelsohn ─ with its ceiling in the shape of a ship’s keel, the architectonic space much like a capsized ship, a shipwrecked Noah’s Ark ─ anchors the metaphor to a specific place. What was Mendelsohn thinking when he designed it? Was he foreseeing the travels he would himself be obliged to undertake, not many years later? The travels of the owners of the factory he built? Like them, several Jewish families who left Germany in the years preceding and during WWII came ashore in Ecuador and set up hat factories, working with the famous paja toquilla, and coming to send their hats to many places around the world. With sails of straw is also a kind of bridge, a greeting sent from such a hat factory in the mountain city of Cuenca, Ecuador, to the Herrmann and Steinberg factory in the rural region of Fläming, across the ocean and across the years.

Anna Gimein came to the visual arts from a background in dance, and one of her main interests is using the human figure and movement as expressive elements for what occurs inside. Several of her works are video-performances focusing on a single gesture, significant in multiple ways, complex in the content for the mind and the heart, and in execution for the body. Beyond the inescapable concern with what the movement could express to the observer, the focus in these works is inward, exploring how feeling and sufferance translates into movement; on what moves us to make certain movements. Language and the spoken word are another important element in her work, with an emphasis on the use of a personal rather than the public voice. She has dealt with the subject of displacement, emigration, exile and other types of travel on repeated occasions.

Gimein’s work has been shown at events and venues such as Acción!Mad (Madrid), Intermediae, Matadero (Madrid), The Big Screen Project (New York), BIDA (The International Biennial of Sports in the Arts, Gijon), Transperformance 1 and 2 (Rio de Janeiro), Limits of Landscape (Sala Proceso, Cuenca, Ecuador), Festival Internacional de Cine Pobre (Cuba), Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes (the International Short Film Festival) Almería en Corto, Artifariti International Art and Human Rights Encounters in Western Sahara, Indomitable Women (Festival Miradas de Mujeres, Matadero, Madrid; BAC Festival de Video, Fundación Miró and CCCB, Barcelona), among others.

SCHALCHTEN | DISPLACED 2015 | Dusk and Not Dawn | Fernando Niño-Sánchez | Image © SCHLACHTEN TEAM
SCHALCHTEN | DISPLACED 2015 | disqualifiziert - vertrieben - ungehorsam | Franziska Gußmann | Image © Jana Plüschke
SCHLACHTEN | Performed Furniture | Chair Nr 35 | Image © Sonia Barrett

Sonia Barrett

SCHLACHTEN | Before/After: A Onesie Experience | Image © David Iselin-Ricketts
SCHLACHTEN | Anestis Logothetis – The Art of Displaced Sounds | Logothetis Ensemble | Image: Ghia Tin Ora © Anestis Logothetis 1975
SCHLACHTEN | INCUBATION BOOTH | Image © Colette / Laboratoire Lumiere
SCHLACHTEN | Heimatvertriebene| Image © Dorota Nieznalska

theater 89

SCHLACHTEN | Third Age | Image © Chris Avis

Chris Avis

SCHLACHTEN | The Yearning for the Other Shore | Mediterranean Tragedy | Image © Mimouni El Houssaine
SCHLACHTEN | Image © Maharaj Trio
SCHLACHTEN | Refugees KM | Image © by Dan Farberoff

Refugees KM

SCHLACHTEN | Schritte | Image © Sebastian David
SCHLACHTEN | ECCE HOMO| Image © Christa Panzner
SCHLACHTEN | Wandering | Image © Khadija Tnana
SCHLACHTEN | Image © Emily Pütter
SCHLACHTEN | Photonovel #3 – Work In Progress | Image © Angiola Bonanni
SCHLACHTEN | SELF diss played | Image © Isabella Gresser
SCHLACHTEN | Shadows of Memories | Image © Gisela Weimann
SCHLACHTEN | Zu Hause | Image © Harry van der Woud
SCHLACHTEN| Image © Walter van Broekhuizen
SCHLACHTEN | Baumringe | Lampedusa | Image © Julia Schmid

Julia Schmid

SCHLACHTEN | Wanderboje | Image © Peschken / Pisarsky (Urban Art)
SCHLACHTEN | Image © Miguel Mothes
SCHLACHTEN | Kriege keinen Frieden | Image © Ursula Heermann-Jensen
SCHLACHTEN | Evaporating Borders | Image © Iva Radivojevic

Iva Radivojevic

Avec destination à... / Con destino a… ("Bound for…") | Image © Said Messari

Said Messari

The Right to Leave | Image © Sharon Paz

Sharon Paz

SCHLACHTEN | Lost Way | Dark Way | Image © Salva Nebot

Salva Nebot

Bathroom Portraits | Image © Milos Tzare

Milos Tzare

Confusion of Shapes | Image © Khaled Al-boushi

Khaled Al-boushi

SCHLACHTEN | ZEITWEISE-REISE | Image © Johanna Speidel & Chus López Vidal
SCHLACHTEN | How To Greet Like A Jamaican Step1 | Zwoisy Mears-Clarke | Image © by Aleks Slota
SCHLACHTEN | With Sails of Straw | Image © Anna Gimein

Anna Gimein